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How To Guide - Ways to Make a Start.

At the time of writing, we're embarking on a brand new year, a whole new page in the book and the start of a new chapter, but you might find this guide helpful at any time you're ready to make a start on something new.

I'm not a fan of trying to create a whole new you or business in the depths of winter. Our natural instincts are potentially low in energy or even in hibernation mode. However, we are at the beginning of something and it can be useful to find ways of making a start in a way that suits you but also sets a path for where you want to get to.

Therefore, I thought I'd share some little ideas and encouragements about making a start in January in such a way that supports you, your business and your ambitions.

  1. Start with now. Rather than getting swept up in the content around you about green juice and a new gym routine, maybe start with where you are now. How are you actually feeling? Have you got some rested energy to do stuff or are you still very much in hibernation mode? Do you feel flat after the Christmas break or relieved to be starting a new chapter? Understanding your own inner state will help you align your actions for effectively and to work with the energy you've actually got, rather than the energy you feel you should have.

  2. Start with some dreaming. I'm a big fan of creating a general trajectory or a destination I'd like to get to. This doesn't need to be a big set of goals yet, but rather a sense of direction. There's lots of scientific evidence out there that shows the benefits of drawing these ideas out in a mind map style way because it implants an internal pledge that helps keep you going. This might be the first time you've done any such thing or it might be great to re visit your original dreams to see if they are still a good fit for you.

  3. Start with flow. I used to think that talking about flow was a slightly woowoo way of thinking but again, scientific research has shown that a state of 'flow' is a real thing that helps us be both efficiently productive and working with the optimum levels of energy without undue stress. What this means practically is avoiding rushing at things or creating goals that are frankly unobtainable just now. It also means avoiding inertia and being frozen into inaction. Be really mindful of your balance between feeling stuck and not doing enough and overstretching yourself and your resources so that you feel stressed or overwhelmed.

  4. Start with commitment. I really like the word commitment because it eels more like a pledge to yourself or to consistency rather than a rigid path that you have to stick to. After all, when was micro business a straight line?! What commitment/s do you want to make that helps you deliver something consistent for the business or for yourself? Perhaps you ended the last year feeling burned out or ill (hands up to that one!) or you avoided consistency somewhere in your life/business that caused challenges. Maybe write down up to 5 commitements that you know will make a difference to your new chapter without having to rush headlong into achieving them all on day 1. I'm thinking eating habits, self care time, getting help in the business or connecting more with others.

  5. Start with a word. There's been a lot of content this year about choosing a word for the year (head back to the first How To Guide of 2024 for my guide on choosing one) and maybe focussing on one word is a helpful way to create a guiding light for your new chapter. Mine is 'depth' this year. I want to rush less and focus on one thing at a time to dive a little deeper into what I want to achieve.

  6. Start with friends. The power of connection and community for humans is undeniable, but for micro business owners, it's actually a business strategy of its own. The negative impact of trying to do everything on your own or without support cannot be overstated. This doesn't mean the introverts among us have to suddenly become experts in networking (rubbish word when just connecting with humans is the thing) but finding a way to ask for help, chat online, have a coffee or whatever works for you, will unlock untold potential for your new start. This is where ideas, creativity, encouragement and feedback do their magic thing. How will you stay connected this year?

  7. Start with one step. This is a final reminder that you don't have to make a big start, just one step will do. Give yourself some grace and time to stumble into the year in your slippers if needs be. With years of micro business life behind me, I've come to realise that you don't actually miss out by having a slow start. In fact, it often means that when you do emerge, you have more quality and meaning to what you do.

1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 06

Great post to read first thing! I’m feeling somewhat stuck and full of fear! It’s been a weird few weeks as I’ve been trapped in carer mode with a poorly husband who broke his back just before Christmas. I normally feel all enthusiastic for a new year, full of ideas and plans. But this year is different - I’m knackered and just can’t get going! And I’m fearful about his recovery. Also fearful that so many small businesses are calling it a day and shutting up shop. I’ve never known so many do this and it’s worrying me. Hoping he turns a corner soon and I get my mojo back. I need to feel better than this! In the meantime…

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