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How To Guide - 5 Quick Checks To See How Your Business Looks Online.

How does your business look online? Does it shine brilliantly in all corners sharing exactly what you want at all times?

Does your online footprint help potential customers get to you easily and effectively? Are you sure that all the information out there is present and correct?

Perhaps you're not sure?

The online world is complex, busy and ever evolving and it's important to check in every so often to see how your business really looks with an 'outsider's' view.

Here are 5 little checks that will help you make a great start:

  1. Set your browser to 'incognito' mode so that everything you're about to check isn't skewed by Google's predictions and any cache in your browser. Start with a quick Google search including your business name, then without and trying some of your keywords.

  2. Check out how fresh your reviews are. Are your reviews looking a little old? Have you replied to them to say thank you or provide feedback? Do you think your business is being reviewed on the best platform?

  3. Cross check what each touchpoint you find says about you. Do you describe your business in different ways on different sites? Are there old listings floating around that no longer reflect how your business has evolved?

  4. Google your own website and check how Google presents the information. Are there suitable sub headings? Does the description or 'meta description' really answer the long tail keywords (sentences) that your target audience might search for?

  5. What Google products are you using to list your business? For example have you got a My Business listing and is it optimised? Are you using Google Analytics for your website? These two tools are a great way to ensure That Google knows exactly what your business is and can start to build up a 3D image of it.

Don't forget we'll create a thread on this topic in the Forum (How To Guide category) to help you work through some more detail and why not check out other workshops and How To Guide for more detail on some of the options mentioned above?


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