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How To Guide: 4 Cs to start a new term well

Here are some little ideas to help you start your new term or new cycle with purpose and a smile - let's call them the 4 Cs:

  1. Commit to creativity. What I mean by creativity will be different things to different people but it has a common element and that is wriggle room for your head and heart. This may be in the form of meditation, frantic note taking, mind maps or just letting off some steam and having fun. It's time to do NOTHING but allow ideas to unfold. When we're super busy or stressed by the everyday, our minds contract and become rigid. When we decompress, creativity flows. This will give you the space to see what you need to focus on or discard in the next term. Perhaps it will give you space to look laterally at a challenge and see it from a different angle. If you haven't had a chance to do this yet, book it into your diary. Allow the time to unfurl and see what pops up in your head. I find a good walk is an ideal start!

  2. Clear out. There is nothing like it and something I have done recently. Again, this might be slightly different for each of you but the aim is to dust out, clean up and refresh our space (and headspace!). Perhaps your office or workspace needs a total clear out - get rid of old papers, mess and muddle. It might mean a digital clear out - finally sorting out your overwhelmed inbox or filing all your images properly so that you can find them. If your business is entirely at home, then it might even be a home clear out in order that 'work' feels calmer and uncluttered by your life! Think about parts of your life and work that frustrate you or leave you stressed and make a start today.

  3. Create a new goal. This isn't a goal setting How To Guide as such but I find that creating a focus point, or a few of them, really helps sort out the wheat from the chaff. It's easy in business to either keep doing what you've always done or accidentally minimise the bigger picture in times of chaos or the everyday hectic. Take some time to note down what's really important for the next business cycle. It could be entirely business focussed, for example you need to achieve new sales targets or you want to launch a new product or service. It might be slightly more 'you' focussed and be about getting some new help in the business or learning a new skill. Write them down and share them with someone to help you find accountability - you can do this in the Simply Facebook Group if you like - we're all here to cheer you on!

  4. Conquer great habits. Habits really do rule our lives and of course that can be for better or worse! We can all list our 'bad' habits - from enjoying too many chocolate biccies to talking ourselves down far too often. But what about deciding to form new habits. Studies show that if we do something regularly for 30 times or more, then we can conquer a new way of being or doing. What does your business need to really step forward towards your goals? Perhaps more regular social media activity, regular book keeping or possibly more space for you so that you don't keep pouring from an empty cup? Head to the Member Hub and find the 'Habit Tracker', choose a new habit that will benefit you and your business and start something new. You could also read 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg if you're really interested in this topic.


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